
A quick note on privacy and advertisements

This site does not use registration of any kind, or a booking system, or selling services. As a result we do not capture any guest data or use cookies on this site.

This site uses Google Analytics behind the scenes, but it's more to see if we are getting viewers, or maybe to see what countries they might be visiting from.

Most of the images are from Jackie's own collection, or from guests with their consent. We also use local talent such as Pat Mullan from Oakfield Photography and in particular for photographs of Lough Melvin and the 2023 photography and videos of Lough Arrow. The occasional image comes from Unsplash and photographers Sven van der Pluijm, Gaspar Zaldo and Sibeesh Venu.

As for advertisements, we want the site to be clean and fresh looking and free from ads that seem to be in every other website on the internet today. We plan on staying this way.

For additional queries, please contact me through my contact page or by the social media links below.

privacy statement | site map